Thursday, August 08, 2019

Himidti and his foreign Janjaweed Militias: Culprits or Victims?

Himidti and his foreign Janjaweed Militias: Culprits or Victims?

M. Jalal Hashim

Every now and then we come across bold and wild statements forwarded by some people who are trying to sell to us the scenario that the massacre and atrocities committed at the peaceful picket and sit-in on June 3rd 2019 were all the plans and deeds of the the security organs of the yet entrenched Islamic regime through its own militias who had put on the camouflage of the Janjaweed militias. Why? Simply to smear Himidti with the intention of stripping him from his popularity as a step towards getting rid of him and his Janjaweed Tchadi-Negirian militias. Nonsense! First Himidti and his foreign Janjaweed militias have never had any tangible popularity other than being infamous killers and rapist. In fact this scenario is being propagated by the axis of evil, namely the Suadi-UAE-Egyptian in order to save Himidti and his foreign Janjaweed militias from the responsibility of their actions. This doesn’t mean in any way to say that the security militias of the entrenched Islamists, under direct orders from the Transitional Military Council (TMC), did not participate crucially in the massacre and the gross atrocities that accompanied their storming of the peaceful picket and sit-in. Whatever their reasoning, do those people who propagate this scenario want to tell us that the foreign Janjaweed militias of Himidti are in essence law-abiding people? No way!
As a friend of mine who is learned journalist told me, if the entrenched Islamists really wanted to get rid of Himidti and his rogue, lawless foreign Janjaweed militias, nothing could have been easier. They would only need to drag him back to Darfur as a first step by simply occupying or attacking the mines of Jabal Aamir in north Darfur which are the source of the huge wealth of Himidti. He would not stay a moment longer in Khartoum or middle and north riverain Sudan if the mines of Jabal Aamir are attacked. Once the Janjaweed militias are back to Darfur, the army, backed by the black African ethnic groups (aka “Zurga”, lit. “Blacks”) who have been ravaged by the Janjaweed militias for more than 20 years, but note before heavily arming them in the same way they had armed the Arab-based ethnic groups, could easily defeat Himidti’s Janjaweed militias whose sole tactic of engagement is based on “hit & run”. The army can even get crucial help from many Rizeigat clans, such as the Mahaamid, but not before releasing Sheikh Musa Hilal who will come to fight against Himidti with a vendetta. Himidti is indeed being used and manipulated by many parties, national and foreign as well. But the paradox is that this manipulation goes through arming him more and more. On his turn, he keeps consolidating power more and more. However, his major Achilles heel and point of weakness is the fact that his Janjaweed militias do not know any way of imposing their power on the civilians other than brutally and fatally persecuting them. This means that they cannot be disciplined at all; indeed they can pretend to be under harness for a while but this will eventually end up much more magnified volume of unleashed violence and fatal atrocities. This means that at the end of the day they will have to be faced or otherwise they will keep wreaking havoc and marauding around just like the Mongol nomads under the leadership of Genghis Khan. This is why he does not have any future of any state-scale governance. In this age of globalization and post-modernism, he will always be a tool for manipulation by others- just the way has been so far and the way he is right now.
However, the fact about this is that the present manipulator is the Saudi-UAE-Egyptian axis of evil who are mustering any power at their disposal to abort the splendid peaceful revolution of the Sudanese people among many other agendas all of which will culminate in subjugating the Sudan. In this, they are not less brutal than Himidti and his lawless Janjaweed militias. The shame of it all is that their major collaborator is the very Sudanese army whose job was supposed to protect the Sudan from any such threat.

One may wonder how come the the Sudan end up in such a total vulnerable situation! The short answer is that by being subject for centuries to the Islamo-Arab ideology which has completely falsified its identity making its most sought aspiration is to be more Arab than the Arabs, living in denial of its true identity as not only a black African nation but further as the cradle of black African civilization. This explains the wide complicity with the TMC of many of the forces of Change & Freedom, in particular the political parties of the soft landing which has multiplied in number including almost all of them along with many civil societies with the exception of the Sudanese Communist Party. Now it is a common knowledge that they were not only informed of the plan of storming the peaceful sit-in, but they even gave their OK to that crime. With the rise of consciousness of African identity among wide sectors of Sudanese people, the mostly alienated Arabized of black African elites of the Sudan have been more panicky than ever. The splendid people revolution of 5ecember 2018 - April 2019 has put them face to face with the facts on the ground and that the days of Old Sudan of alienated identity are numbered and that the revolution sails are strongly blown with the strong winds of the New Sudan. The revolution has truly been one of the marginalized people of the Sudan everywhere, even in the diaspora. The elites of the centre felt that they were left with no choice but to comply with the conspiracy of the axis of evil, both in the military, the opposition and even the deposed Islamists. the paradox is that a considerable part of the complicit forces constitute the majority among the Change & Freedom Declaration forces, i.e. the very forces supposed to represent the revolution. This treason has been going on not only from day one of the revolution but very long before that. Sudan is being wrecked by its Arabized black Africans of the centre of wealth, power and social prestige (regardless of either ethnic or geographical reference) who suffer from alienation lest that it regain through the revolution of its marginalized people (regardless of ethnic or geographical reference) its true identity as a black African nation. Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold!
Khartoum June 11, 2019

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